dianne smith design

Just yourself and something for lunch. Refreshments are supplied for morning break.
​As we are working with art materials please wear something you are happy to get dirty or bring an apron/cover.
Overall Objective
1. For each person to explore their connection to place.
This may be how they see themself in the world now and where they are going. Alternatively, this may relate to a physical place and its impact. Also, considering change and the role of the place in enabling lifestyles and being oneself could be the focus. Building and renovation may be considered as part of such explorations.
Changes in health, relationships, employment, or economic situations are some of the influences on how we see our place and the setttings that may be relevant as a result.
2. For each person to explore in a relaxed and creative way aspects of our lives to inform their choices and actions
There will be two exercises in the morning followed by a break for lunch.
The afternoon will involve another exercise and a chance to reflect.
Each person will have a working space and access to art/craft materials.
Group size and Interaction
Groups are small 2-6 people.
The activities are designed to be exploratory and you are encouraged to have fun while reflecting on what you are creating.
There is no expectation that you will be an artist. Rather you are encouraged to learn through the making.
As we are working with art-based materials you can verbally share as much or as little as you like.
All interactions are confidential and each attendee is asked to respect the process and individual needs of those who join in.